lt 4.1 magazine cover

Brief Have a look at all the tasks and lessons you have done over the last few weeks. Your task now is to make a cover (a front page) for your very own magazine. I am a big fan of the minimalism and complicated simplicity of the Swiss style. So as times before my choiceContinue reading “lt 4.1 magazine cover”

Lesson Task 3.2

Brief – Awareness Poster An American clinic has contacted you to design an A5 poster for diabetes awareness. November is Diabetes Awareness Month. The clinic has given you the following brief: The purpose of the poster is to encourage healthier habits and to create awareness. The poster needs a heading: “Prevent prediabetes sooner rather thanContinue reading “Lesson Task 3.2”

Lesson task 3.1

Brief – Design with typography A new themed-hairdresser is opening in your town. The hairdresser has an innovative marketing idea and will be decorated in a specific theme. Take inspiration from Type Designer, Jordan Metcalf. Choose any theme you like to design an A4 “opening soon” poster for the hairdresser. The poster needs the following elements:Continue reading “Lesson task 3.1”

Brief Practical assignment (observation and analysis) Define, in your own words, the printmaking terms Find examples on the Internet to represent each of those terms Use your graphite, eraser, eraser putty and blending stub to sketch spheres using the following techniques: hatching and cross hatching, blending, rendering, squiggly lines and cross contour lines (please scanContinue reading

Graphic design 3 – Task 1.2 advice postcards

Brief: Design two postcards. Each with one piece of advice that you would give a first-year Graphic Design student. You are welcome to make more if inspiration strikes. All graphics and text must be your own. I really like the super minimalistic design style and want to explore this more so I chose that forContinue reading “Graphic design 3 – Task 1.2 advice postcards”

Photography 3 – Lesson tast 1.2

Brief Make your own DIY light tent. Take product photographs of the following objects: Something fluffy, like a stuffed animal. Something shiny, like a knife and fork. Something hard, like a book or a mug. A liquid, like a glass of wine. Draw a diagram of your lighting scenario for each of the above photographsContinue reading “Photography 3 – Lesson tast 1.2”

Photography 3 – Lesson task 1.1

Brief Written assignment (research and analysis) Draw up a list of the most important aspects of a product photograph. Refer to shadows, lighting, quality, ISO and editing in your answer. Mention at least five things. You are welcome to include visual examples of discussion points. The absolute most important aspect of good product design isContinue reading “Photography 3 – Lesson task 1.1”

Task 2.1 – research late modernism

Brief Consider what we have discussed regarding Late Modernism in the USA and The Swiss International Style. Do additional research on the Swiss International Style. (It may be a good idea to study some of the known designers of this style and period.) As a guide, visit, which gives a brief outline of specificContinue reading “Task 2.1 – research late modernism”

Lesson tast 2.2 – Focusing on pioneering designers

Brief Objective observation During the interview, Marian mentions, “When I worked at Digitopolis, I was working almost entirely on the computer, basically the computer and with photography. And now I am using a wide variety of materials, sometimes still involved with a computer and sometimes just with the materials themselves. But having a space like thisContinue reading “Lesson tast 2.2 – Focusing on pioneering designers”

Lesson Task 1.2 Graphic Design History Timeline

Brief Look at the history timeline at the beginning of the lesson. Gather information from 1900 – 2000 and design your own timeline of the movements during this period, using the Bauhaus Design Style as your theme. Each movement should be designed and described in a creative way.  The colors are totally off after uploading to WordPress for some reason, but here’s the result. IContinue reading “Lesson Task 1.2 Graphic Design History Timeline”

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